Sunday, September 26, 2010

Increase your chances with Singapore ToTo - Tip 4

Rather random than Sequential. Pick numbers in arithmetic sequences like all odds or all evens and see if you chances of striking the jackpot or even a Group 6 prize is high. The result is... your chances are very very low.

Take any set of past results and you will realize that picking numbers based on arithmetic sequences have never ever appear. But why is this so? Isn't ToTo outcome a random event? Yes ToTo outcome is a random event and it is possible that arithmetic sequence can appear as the winning jackpot numbers but the possibility of this happen is very very low. There are times where the result is something like 02 04 06 08 11 37 (22) or 11 12 13 14 15 28 (22) but never in sequence up to the additional number.

Thus instead of relying on this very low possibility why not try some random numbers and play with your luck. Who know you might just get lucky!

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