Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Increase your chances with Singapore ToTo - Tip 1

Play less often. So what does play less often mean? Well the concept is fairly simple and it really does increase your chances of winning ToTo. Let me quote you the following example and you will see for yourself what I mean.

If you usually play ToTo every week twice (Monday and Thursday) and each time you spend a fixed $2 on Ordinary Quick Pick, why not switch to spending $4 once every week or even better if you can spend $16 once every month on ToTo.

You might be asking how does this increase the chances of winning in fact this reduces the chances right since you will be playing less often. Well let me do the maths for you and you can see for yourself. Each ToTo draw your chance of winning the Jackpot is 1 in 8 million of a chance. So if you spend $2 for each draw, your chances of winning the jackpot for that draw is 4 in 8 million of a chance.

But if you switch to spending $4 once a week, your chances of winning the jackpot is 8 in 8 million of a chance, double of your original chances while still spending the same amount. If you switch to spending $16 once every month in a particular draw, you chances of winning the jackpot is 32 in 8 million of a chance. This is 8 times your original chances or 4 times the chances of spending $4 once a week.

The increase of chances might be small but when playing ToTo, the idea is to use small to win big and any chance increase while spending the same amount money is worth it.

Remember the golden rule is to spend only what you can afford to lose!

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