Below were a few frequently asked questions if you are new to House Of ToTo. If your question does not appear here, do not fret. Simply contact me and I will reply to your questions within 1 day. However if you do not receive any reply from me, it would mean that your email had been blocked by my mail server and you might wish to contact me either with another email or via House Of ToTo's facebook page.

1. What is House Of ToTo?
A: House Of ToTo is a blog which predicts ToTo and 4D outcomes.

2. Do your numbers strike 100%?
A: No of cos not! ToTo and 4D outcomes are pure random events. If my numbers 100% strike do you think I will be here today?

3. Since your numbers can't strike why are you doing this?
A: Well I am interested in the game of ToTo and 4D as I like the various maths involve in predicting the outcomes as well as the fun in gathering similar interest Lottery bros out there and play the games together and win money.

4. I am from overseas I want to use your predictions.
A: Currently I am only doing prediction for Singapore ToTo and 4D. Maybe in the future when the member base get bigger, I will expand to cover other countries lottery.

5. Is House Of ToTo affiliated with SingaporePools or any lottery operators?
A: Nope, House Of ToTo is not affiliated with SingaporePools or any ToTo or 4D operators.

6. I want to have a copy of your wheeler and prediction programs.
A: Sorry but the prediction program is not for sale. However for Wheeler you can refer to our Wheeling service for more info.

7. What is House Of ToTo Guild Member and how can I join?
A: House Of ToTo Guild is a premium guild where similar interest ToTo and 4D players can join and share information and experience. To find out more info and benefit of joining as Guild Member, please refer to House Of ToTo's Premium Guild House.

8. Why is there only free predictions for ToTo but not 4D?
A: I stopped 4D predictions mainly due to some who abuse the system. Free predictions are something done out of goodwill and for the general public to enjoy. However some simply thought that I own them the predictions. Second reason why 4D free predictions is stop while ToTo still carry out cos ToTo only played in Singapore where-else Singapore 4D are play in other countries as well (known as 2D, 3D or 4D illegally)

9. You will give 40 choices for week. Isn't that too many to bet on?
A: As the predictions are suppose to last for the entire week, have 40 selections is not many at all. It would be better than giving you 10 selections for every draw which you will end up having 30 selections per week and your chances of winning is lower.

10. What's your best suggestion to spread my betting fund for 4D and ToTo?
A: A very common question which I shall answer to my very best. For 4D the 40 selections are provided as reference for you to choose from. You can either go iBet/System or Direct with those selections. You might wish to further reduce the number of selections from 40 to a number you are comfortable with by choosing selections with your favorite number(s) in them or certain 2D or 3D combination which you are rooting for. The choice is yours! My predictions should serve as a reference to allow you to better pick what you wish to buy.

For ToTo there is no way you can bet the 2 sets of 18 numbers each as SingaporePools only offer full wheel up to System 12. What many suggested is to from the 18 numbers set, pick a small set of numbers (usually 7 or 8) to buy from SingaporePools. For more season players you can always deploy a 18 numbers Wheeler which suit your budget and win guarantee to wheel the 18 numbers. Once again the choice is yours.

11. Can I bet place my bet with you on 4D or ToTo?
A: House Of ToTo is not a gambling site, and not involved in any gambling activities.

12. There are so many lottery predictions sites around what make you so special?
A: House Of ToTo does not make the impossible possible if that is what you mean. I cannot predict a pure random event in the case of ToTo or 4D however what I can do is to deduce or predict in such a way to increase your win rate. Remember here at House Of ToTo I am more concern with win rate rather than hit rate as compared with other lottery predictions sites

13.  $50 is too expensive for the membership!
A: I believe you will have notice that with what you get as a Guild House Member (8 predictions for ToTo and 12 predictions for 4D) actually exceed far more than what you can get as compared to many other sites. This membership fee is mainly a token sum for those who are really keen in playing SingaporePools lottery.

14.  How do I renew my membership?
A: To renew is the same as to signup. Hence you will need to drop me an email stating your transaction reference number, your mobile number, your referrer mobile number if any and have a subject as "Guild House". Same thing you will receive a confirmation email stating when your premium prediction week start and when it will end.

15.  Any precautions I should remember when playing lottery?
A: Never exceed your budget and means. Do not consider gambling as a way of earning money. Consider the money spent on Toto and 4D as an investment which carry risk.

16.  Is it legal to provide lottery prediction services?
A: Yes. I had seek proper legal advice opinions from lawyers and relevant authorities.

17.  If your predictions are so good why are you not winning yourself?
A: I do bet with my own predictions but I do not used all my combinations. For example in ToTo, I usually only bet with Set A and Set B of my 18 numbers sets using my personal wheel which fit my budget. I will leave the Combine Set out as I do not have enough budget to wheel a good combine set of numbers.

So you can say I am winning myself as well from my predictions and my friends and colleagues can verify this.

18.  I have not receive any predictions or email from you?
A: If you are using Yahoo Mail do be assured that I had receive your emails queries and it is a known issue that Yahoo Mail (@yahoo.com) is unable to receive emails from HouseOfToTo.com. There are no bounce email or technical issue and the emails simply refuse to show up on the inbox of Yahoo Mail users. Hence if you are experiencing this I strongly recommend you to switch to Gmail or Hotmail email address.

19.  How do I purhase your wheeling service?
A: I have stop wheeling service as some fellow punters are such sore losers... Please don't expect to win something just because you paid for something here. What I publish on the website for Free and Premium predictions are based on my personal wheeling. Lucky 7 is a distribution of all the combinations to the members where each member get an unique set. So if you don't win anything please don't blame or call me a scammer. The element of luck is still here and no one force you to join in the first place.

20  I have a question not listed here.
A: You may wish to contact me with your question and I will post it up here if it became very frequently asked.

Good luck with your ToTo and 4D playing. Huat Ah!