4D Beginner Guide

How to play 4D (Information from Singapore Pools)
4D, as the name implies, is a four-digit number game. You can choose any number from 0000 to 9999 and decide on the which draw you are playing for (there are three every week – on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday). You can start to buy for a particular draw a week before the draw and close at 6pm on draw day. You can choose to bet for single draw, two consecutive draws or three consecutive draws as you like.

A total of 23 winning combinations are announced during each draw across five categories:
  • 1st Prize
  • 2nd Prize
  • 3rd Prize
  • Starter
  • Consolation

You can place you bet so as little as $1 and as much as $100.

Type of Bets Available

You can play 4-D in five different ways.

Ordinary Entry
Refers to a bet on a specific 4-digit number. For example, 1234

4-D Roll 
A bet which substitutes any one of the four digits with 'R'. (ie. R123, 1R23, 12R3 and 123R) where 'R' denotes all digits from 0 to 9. Only one digit can be substituted with 'R'. For example, if you mark R234, you are actually buying 10 Ordinary Entries (ie. 0234, 1234, 2234, 3234 .... 9234).

System Entry 
Refers to a bet on all the possible permutations of a 4-D number, e.g. the number 1234 has 24 permutations (1234, 2341, 3412, 4123…).

A System Entry bet priced from $1, regardless of the number of permutations.

A bet on a random number selected by the computer. Simply ask our service personnel for Quickpick.

Betting Types

You may purchase BIG and SMALL bets for all bet types.

Big Bet 
You can win prizes from any of the 23 4-digit winning numbers drawn (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 10 Starter and 10 Consolation Prizes).

Small Bet 
You can win only from the top three winning numbers drawn, i.e. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes

Cost of Betting

Type Permutation Cost
Ordinary 1 $1.00
4D Roll 10 $10.00
Sys 4 Different Numbers (eg 1234) 24 $24.00
Sys 2 Same Numbers (eg 1123) 12 $12.00
Sys 2 Pairs (eg 1122) 6 $6.00
Sys 3 Same Numbers (eg 1112) 4 $4.00
iBet 4 Different Numbers (eg 1234) 24 $1.00
iBet 2 Same Numbers (eg 1123) 12 $1.00
iBet 2 Pairs (eg 1122) 6 $1.00
iBet 3 Same Numbers (eg 1112) 4 $1.00

What Prizes to be Won?
/ Ordinary / 4D Roll
Prize Big Small
First $2,000 $3,000
Second $1,000 $2,000
Third $490 $800
Starter $250
Consolation $60

Prize Bet
Different Nos
Same Nos
2 pairs 3
Same Nos
First Big/Small $83/$125 $166/$250 $335/$500 $500/$750
Second Big/Small $41/$83 $83/$167 $168/$333 $250/$500
Third Big/Small $20/$33 $40/$66 $85/$133 $127/$200
Starter Big $10 $20 $41 $62
Consolation Big $3 $6 $10 $15

Marking the Bet Slip
Mark your selections with a heavy vertical line covering the number(s). If you made a mistake do not erase but instead shade the "VOID" box to void the whole box. Remember to always double check your betting slip before betting as once the ticket is printed there will be no refunding.

Claiming of Prizes
Amounts up to $5,000 per winning ticket:
Cash payment at any Singapore Pools outlet during sales hours.

Amounts above $5,000 per winning ticket
Cheque payment at Singapore Pools Main Branch
1 Selegie Road, #01-01 PoMo, Singapore 188306
Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 4.30pm (excluding Public Holidays)

Hopefully more of you will have a better understanding on SingaporePools 4D after reading this.