Sunday, November 27, 2011

Changes Premium Predictions Distribution

Due to technical issues with the web host as many of you had known the Member Console had been down since Tuesday and I had setup some last minute backup plan for premium members.

As of this stage in time I had decided to go back to emailing premium predictions to all premium members as that will be the safest and most effective way till I manage to resolve the technical issues. The timing of release will be similar as mention in the guide found here.

Also I had decided to release all 4 sets of 4D predictions to all premium members. No particular reasons hence lets just keep it to 4 sets for every week 4D draws.

As mention many months ago that my aim of setting out House Of ToTo is to ensure that we can all strike the SingaporePools ToTo's Jackpot and I believe after more than a year doing predictions and gaining so much support from all the premium members it is time for me to kick off something very interesting and something which I believe will solve the urban myth that SingaporePools ToTo Jackpot cannot be won. However this new plan of mine will only be extended to a few long term premium members who had been with me for so many months. So just stay tune for my email and you will have more details inside.

So till then lets all Huat Ah for tomorrow ToTo Draw!

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