As you know I had recently manage to deduce another Jackpot draw and you can find the details here:
It seem that what I did upset quite some people. What I realize is that from these threatening emails I discover they actually belong to two group of people.
The First Group
Those who want my premium predictions for free but was rejected by me. This group form the "Call SCAM" group as they will first write in nicely to explain that they are from bla bla bla country and in need of money. Asking me if I can do them a favor and give them the winning predictions and if they strike will give me 10%. And when I rejected them, they started a series of flaming emails call me a scammer...
Some even started the emails saying I should just give them the predictions to prove that what I did is not a scam. And if I can't predict it 100% for the next draw then I am a scammer... Well I can only reply if you dun believe please not even email me. I have mention on my FAQ that there is no 100% in lottery predictions and what I do is purely for interest.
What I did and House Of ToTo is not illegal in Singapore. Lawyers had been consulted to ensure that no laws are broke in doing this. I am not too sure about other countries since I am only predicting and deducing Singapore Lotteries. So for those who want free predictions I think you should respect others who actually join the membership and get the premium predictions and stop asking me for it. To me if you think I am a scammer, I think you are a real begger!The Second Group
When you see others getting it and you dun you starting flaming them. This is the second group who are actually lottery forecasters like me. This group will act like member of the public sending me emails saying things like mine predictions not accurate and that others are better. One even ask me to stop doing this else be careful when I walking on the streets.
I dun think I need to explain myself as I have proven that using my deduction method I manage to get Jackpot prize not once or twice but three times so far (as of 10 Apr 2011). I respect all forecasters out there as I believe everyone got our strong and weak points. By flaming me and discouraging me thinking that will drive more traffic/business into their website or business... Well I think that is very wrong cos I have been in the blogsphere for many years and althought I am not one of those famous bloggers I have my share of regular readers and flamers as well. So these emails will just make me stronger and more to be the best and most professional Lottery Forecaster in Singapore and around the region.Like I mention I done nothing wrong and I am not afraid of such threats. My results will just keep showing how well my deduction method is and I will not stop doing this. In fact I will only expand as I recently found a few like-minded people who are willing to help me expand my reach even further.
So either these emails stop or keep them coming as it just show how popular and how much attention House Of ToTo is gaining.
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1 comment:
Hi Andrew,
I believe some people have similar blogs or website predicting 4D & Toto. Maybe, because your prediction is much more accurate than theirs thus diverting readership away from their blog or website. These people are simply sore losers. Stay strong and wishing you the best of luck!!!
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